Oct 18, 2010

Fall Reading: The Catcher in the Rye

Photo via GQ

My used copy: paid $3.00

I've been reading some classics lately and I think I may have found my favorite novel of all-time, The Cather in the Rye. Funny thing is, this novel was always around me when I was younger and I always heard about how great it is but truth is- it's really great. I think I just may be Holden Caulfield, the main character or at least I was when I was in high school...Great novel and indeed a classic. Several directors tried to make a movie out of it and the Author, J.D. Salinger would never allow it.

Billy Wilder Writer-director recounted his attempt trying to make the film:

"Of course I read The Catcher in the Rye....Wonderful book. I loved it. I pursued it. I wanted to make a picture out of it. And then one day a young man came to the office of Leland Hayward, my agent, in New York, and said, 'Please tell Mr. Leland Hayward to lay off. He’s very, very insensitive.' And he walked out. That was the entire speech. I never saw him. That was J. D. Salinger and that was Catcher in the Rye." (Via Wikipedia)
I was half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty, even if they're not much to look at, or even if they're sort of stupid, you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. Girls. Jesus Christ. They can drive you crazy. They really can.
~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 10

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