Nov 3, 2009

How To Talk To A Woman

So I recently got asked the other day what the best way to approach a woman is. The secret is, there is no secret. Women are human beings like all of us. They want to be talked to, they want to be flirted with, they want to be loved. The best thing to do is to be original and most of all be yourself. Don't put women on a pedestal. Don't act like their untouchable. Remember, that you have just as much to offer a woman as she has to offer you. Furthermore, what does the woman have to offer you more than her beauty. If you are a successful Executive, Sales Person, Writer, Student or whatever you may be...You have a lot to offer a woman as well.

Also, enough with the compliments. They get it. Give a woman one compliment when she least expects it. Flip it. What if a woman constantly complimented you on your BMW or your Rolex watch. It would get annoying and you would think she's after your money. For a woman constantly complimenting her on her beauty leads her to think you are after her body. More on that later because you WANT to keep the conversation sexual. You are not her younger brother or her friend.

Watch the clip below as a perfect way to approach a woman. Will Smith is smooth, original and walks away at the height of the conversation making her want more. Remember, once you get a girl's name you can always Facebook her or email her if you don't want to ask for her number. Also, leaving your business card is a great approach and non-threatening.

The second clip with Ethan Hawke in the movie, New York I Love You is also a fun way to approach a woman. He keeps it witty and on her toes. Unfortunately, in America flirting is seen as abrasive and threatening when in reality it is a natural part of life. Donatella Versace is quoted as saying that American men, have lost the "art of seduction". So get out there and have fun. Most of all be yourself. Women see through BS, ill intentions and no-confidence. Last but not least if a woman is low-energy leave immediately. Don't apologize, just get your drink and walk off.

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